Being Canadian in 2036

We have created a society where individual rights and freedoms, compassion and diversity are core to our citizenship. But underlying that idea of Canada is the promise that we all have a chance to build a better life for ourselves and our children.

28 Apr 2021, 6:59 pm


min read

canadian flag in the wind

We have created a society where individual rights and freedoms, compassion and diversity are core to our citizenship. But underlying that idea of Canada is the promise that we all have a chance to build a better life for ourselves and our children.

Justin Trudeau, Canada PM

Living in Canada

There are few places in the world that are as ideal as Canada when it comes to scenery, diversity, safety, and quality of life – to mention only a few of its many fine qualities.

From the majestic mountains and stunning nature out West, to the oceans that lie on either end of the country, Canada is a land of rugged beauty that has a way of constantly taking your breath away. The people of the nation are proud of the way they work hard to preserve the physical environment.

Canadians embrace the values of equality, diversity, and kindness as a general rule. People in this country like to help each other, and the social culture strongly supports respect for individuals and inclusion.

This attitude and the great diversity of the nation help to make the integration process easier for many immigrants. To see if you can be one of them, you may check out your eligibility.

The Canadian nation presents a mosaic of diverse cultures and skin colours from every corner of the globe. In Canada immigrants tend to retain their cultural backgrounds while also assimilating into the larger society.

There are numerous cultural enclaves where immigrants can live around people of their own background and who speak their own language. Some of the enclaves even have their own mini economies and may offer employment opportunities to newcomers.

These communities are a soft landing place for immigrants, making the integration process that much less stressful. The vast majority of enclaves are located in Toronto, Montreal, and Vancouver.

Immigration and Diversity – Canada by 2036

Courtesy of CIC

Canadian Public Says “YES” to Immigration

In April of this year, the public opinion research institute conducted its Spring 2019 Focus Canada Survey of a selection of 2000 people in the Canadian population. The results showed that Canadians view immigration as a key issue in the country. They also indicated that overall, they see immigration as positive and important for the economy.

Too much immigration? 59% say no
Too much immigration? 59% say no

Canada offers a strong educational system and a good economy. There are opportunities available, and the unemployment rate in the country is quite low. The population all over the nation is growing, because of the many opportunities.

All signs point towards a very bright future for this nation, and the wise will begin planning their immigration now to be part of that success.

Population Growth in Canada from 2011 to 2016
Population Growth in Canada from 2011 to 2016

The Canadian Experience in 2036 website focuses on immigration to Canada and what it will be like for an immigrant to live in the country in 2036. We consider this nation to be one of the most promising and appealing places for newcomers to start a new life, which is why we’ve built a website around the idea.

The government plans to bring in 401,000 new immigrants in 2021, 411,000 in 2022, and 421,000 in 2023, which is up from the 300,000+ the Liberal party brought in over the last 3 years.

The future is wide open for new Canadians. Statistics Canada has projected that by 2036, immigrants could make up 30 percent of the total population of the country.

We want individuals and families with the desire to immigrate and form a better future to have the best chance to achieve that end. On Canada 2036, our aim is providing you with the most updated, useful information that will push your immigration process forward.

This site includes strategies for the best path to immigration, data and statistics, fascinating articles about Canadian life and culture, and other useful advice.

We chose this one specific year because there’s a body of government research, including data from Statistics Canada, which focuses specifically on Canada in the year 2036. In this article and on the website as a whole, we have used this data to show what life will be like at that point in the future for individuals who decide to pursue immigration to the nation.

We wish you luck in your future plans and hope to see you soon…in Canada!

If you’re considering immigrating to another country, you couldn’t find a better place than Canada. The future of this nation is projected to be even more successful by the year 2036. I

f you begin planning your immigration now, you could be in Canada and well-established by that time. Be a part of this idyllic picture and take the first steps on your Canada journey. By 2036, you could easily be leading a normal, productive, successful life in the Great White North.

What will Canada be like in 2036?

Canada is a very comfortable place for immigrants to come to, because it is and always has been a country of newcomers. As much as this has been true in the past it will be even more so by 2036. In this country, being an immigrant is the norm. Bringing your cultural background with you and retaining it while still integrating into the larger society is the norm. You can be a Canadian living a regular life in Canada by 2036, and still be who you are today culturally.

Immigrant Population

By the year 2036, 80% of the country’s population growth will depend on immigrants –

Besides the fact that it’s a very desirable place to live, current U.S immigration policies will lead to more newcomers choosing to come to Canada instead.

Statistics Canada projects that by the year 2036, the immigrant population of Canada will be 30%. There will also be a large acceleration in the number of second generation immigrants in the country.

 Number of Immigrants in Canada: 2011-2016
Number of Immigrants in Canada: 2011-2016

Settlement Resources and Programs

Canada has a strong network of resources and settlement programs for immigrants, to make integration into the country that much easier. By 2036 this network should be more expanded and hopefully even more accessible.

Jane Shin, Associate Vice President at Vancouver Community College, immigrated to Canada with her parents from South Africa when she was 16 years old. She mentioned the challenges of integrating into the new country, particularity for her parents, but concluded that they:

(we) grew closer as a family. And we became aware of so many wonderful programs for settlement and retraining support. Ultimately, we developed more empathy and more civic commitment to do our share.

Jane Shin, Associate Vice President at Vancouver Community College. Canadian

Multiculturalism and Diversity

There’s a significant amount of language diversity in Canada, and this is only increasing. At the present time about 20% of people in the country have a mother tongue other than English. By the year 2036 that figure will have risen to 26-30% –

As immigration to Canada accelerates, the ethic enclaves existing will expand into massive bustling neighborhoods that in some cases will be as close to being ‘back home’ as you can get. Living in these cultural communities is the norm in Canada now, and it will be even more so in 2036.


Canada has a low unemployment rate, and there’s a good chance that it will be sustained in the future. Naturally, securing proper employment is the key to any successful immigration. Canada has job openings, and a large percentage of immigrants that already make up the workforce.

In 2015, the unemployment rate for immigrants who had been in Canada for less than 5 years was only 9. 4%. For immigrants who have been in the country for between 6 to 10 the rate drops to 6.4%. By the time people have been living in Canada for more than 10 years the majority that want to be working are, with an unemployment rate of only 5.3%.

Unemployment Rate of Immigrants in 2018
Unemployment Rate of Immigrants in 2018

Labour Force

Immigrants make up a good percentage of the workforce, and that ethnocultural diversity will only increase in the future. The percentage of immigrants in the workforce in all areas of Canada in 2016 was 26%, and Statistics Canada projects that by 2036 this figure will have risen to over 35%.

Many immigrants have made their success in the country through the immigrant community. Elton Hubner, for example, is a highly successful journalist, photographer, videographer, and filmmaker who came to the country from Brazil in 2012.

Elton first came to Canada on a visit before deciding to move there permanently.

“Soon after arrival I heard a voice inside myself say, ‘this is the place you’ve been looking for’. I’ve been here ever since.”

Elton Hubner
Increase in Immigrants in the Labour Force
Increase in Immigrants in the Labour Force

Getting to Canada (Before) 2036

If you’re going to get to Canada before 2036, you have to think about the best way to get there, be able to work, and eventually achieve permanent residency.

There are many ways to achieve this end. These are a few of the options available to you as a potential immigrant to Canada.

Express Entry program

At the beginning of 2015 the (then) conservative government implemented the Express Entry program. It replaced the Point System, which had existed previously for many years. Express Entry assists skilled immigrants to enter the country and work through one of several federal work programs.

The Provincial Nominee Program

The Provincial Nominee Program is part of Express Entry. It allows each province or territory to extend the option of permanent residency to individual immigrants who they feel would best suit the needs of the labour market.

Family Visa

If you have a family that’s already living in Canada, you can apply to immigrate through the Family Class Sponsorship program. You relatives must be permanent residents or Canadian citizens themselves in order to sponsor you. You can only sponsor your children under the age of 22 or your spouse. At this point in time, you can’t sponsor your parents or grandparents.


Another option is to procure a job offer in Canada, and on that basis apply for an LMIA Work Visa or a Federal Skilled Worker class. Later when you’ve been living in Canada for some time you may apply for permanent residency.

Being Established in Canada by 2036

There are many things that you can do now to ensure future success in Canada. You should certainly make sure you’re familiar with the most updated immigration regulations and requirements, to make sure you’re proceeding in the right direction. In addition, you should practice your English and French skills as much as possible in advance of your move.

In Need for Professional Advice?

Hiring a Registered Canadian Immigration Consultant (RCIC) to help with your strategy is an excellent idea, and will greatly enhance your chances of success.

Ask other successful immigrants for their advice in advance of your big move. We now live in a world where we are connected to everyone at the click of a button, and it’s a lot easier to get access to people who are going through similar experiences.

Giacomo Gianniotti, actor on the television series Grey’s Anatomy, immigrated to Parry Sound, Ontario from Italy in 1994. He reflects on the reasons for his success in his new country, explaining that:

I realized that it was my uniqueness, my individuality and my culture that made me special. I realized how rich my culture was and was so proud to be Italian. The more I opened myself up and became my authentic self, the more doors would open for me.”

be yourself. Bring us all the beautiful gifts and riches your country’s culture has to offer and become that which you have always dreamed of.

Giacomo Gianniotti, actor.
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Melissa is currently living in her hometown of Toronto, Canada. Her family originates from both Poland and Scotland. She’s familiar with the immigrant experience, having lived abroad for 18 years. Melissa has a master’s degree in Immigration and Settlement which focuses on Canadian immigration.

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Editor’s Note

You can trust the integrity of our balanced, independent immigration advice. We may, however, receive compensation from the issuers of some products mentioned in this article. Opinions are the author's alone. This content has not been provided by, reviewed, approved or endorsed by any advertiser, unless otherwise noted below.

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Moving to a new country is a massive, life-changing decision with high stakes. You can’t afford to have things go wrong when the future of your career and family depends on the success of your visa application