Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program (SINP)

The Saskatchewan PNP is an immigration program that enables graduates, foreign workers, and entrepreneurs to settle in Saskatchewan province permanently.

21 Oct 2021, 1:25 pm


min read

Saskatchewan PNP

Canada runs several PNPs that aim to help immigrants settle within Canadian regions; the ultimate objective is for them to apply for permanent residence and benefit the Canadian economy.

Saskatchewan offers the Saskatchewan Immigration Nominee Program, the third-largest. For future reference, we will use the acronym SINP to refer to Saskatchewan PNP.

How Does the SINP Work?

The SINP allows immigrants to apply for nomination and further approval for permanent residence. Applicants register on the official website and create their profiles; they then submit their information as per each stream and category’s requirements.

Once the profiles receive approval from the SINP, they’re submitted to the Saskatchewan state, and they wait for permanent residency approval. After completing this step, it’s up to the IRCC (the Canadian commission for immigration) to decide whether or not they’re allowed as permanent residents.

Depending on the category, there are different outcomes once approved.

  • Applicants with valid job offers receive proper education towards their roles and settlement in Saskatchewan.
  • Applicants without job offer but with highly-demanded skills get placed in a pool where companies can draw them into a new position.
  • Entrepreneurs meet with adequate representatives to draw their venture plans and assess an efficient process.
  • Farming-oriented applications receive assistance towards purchasing, establishing, and starting their farming operations.
  • Skilled workers experienced in Saskatchewan may apply but continue their current functions.

Once the application is complete, it’ll be reviewed in stages. Incomplete applications receive a letter asking you to submit a new one; you’ll also learn why it’s considered incomplete.

Complete applications continue their evaluation. Some additional documentation may be required, and if it’s not sent, you may be rejected.

After approval of your nomination, you’ll receive a support service for a temporary work permit. You and your family can move to Saskatchewan using this document, and if it’s approved by the IRCC, applicants can begin their work.

You may start by checking your eligibility for immigration with an online calculator:

Saskatchewan PNP Streams

Depending on your skills and objectives, you may fit into one of the following categories.

International Skilled Worker

This stream requires you to meet all requirements and be able to settle properly in this province. This category splits into two.

The first sub-category is for skilled workers with an employment offer inside Saskatchewan. You need to have at least a year’s experience and your offer must be valid and for full-time and permanent work.

You also cannot be a refugee, and you need to get a proper score in the PNP assessment grid and the CLB for either French or English.

The second category is for skilled workers with talents and occupations enjoying high demand inside the province. You don’t need an existing job offer, but you must meet all the requirements.

The requirements are very similar to the job offer category. The differences include a diploma, certificate or degree proving your skills. You also need to prove your funds and plans for settling in Saskatchewan.

Work Experience Application

You’re eligible for this category if you currently work and live in Saskatchewan. You need a valid working permit, and you’ll be able to apply to be a permanent residence with the SINP.

You have different categories for application depending on your case. Each category has its own rules and requirements, but you only need to show your experience and proof of working in the province.


All you need to be eligible for the entrepreneur category is to be interested in venturing into a new business inside the province. Another option is to purchase an already-existing business, proving you have the required experience and funding.

You then have to submit your Expression of Interest to the SINP and wait for your results.

Farm Owner and Operator

This category is for immigrants with farming experience. You have two different categories for application depending on your attributes.

The first branch is the SINP if you’re experienced in farming. You also need to possess enough funds (either money or assets) to invest in your farming operation; you must intend to purchase and run your own farm inside the province.

You must have proof of acceptable net worth and make a deposit. You then need to sign an agreement and visit the province for 5 days minimum and assess your possibilities. Of course, you also need to prove your experience.

The second category aims towards allowing families to settle into the rural areas of this province and make a living farming.

You still need to prove your net worth, but it’s considerably less and more flexible; you needn’t make a deposit. You need to be young and possess experience in farming. You need to document your proposal for running a commercial farm, and both you and your spouse need to possess employable skills as a complement to farming.

Saskatchewan PNP

SINP Eligibility & Rules

Now, we’ll analyze with more depth the requirements for each category you can apply.

International Skilled Worker Requirements

Employment Offer

  • Living outside of Canada and not qualifying as a refugee. If you live in Canada, you need a legal visa.
  • A minimum score of 60/100 on the PNP assessment grid.
  • Within the last 10 years, you must have at least 1 year’s experience in the occupation you’re applying for.
  • Your French or English score must be at least CLB 4.
  • If your postulating for a regulated profession or compulsory apprenticeship trade, you need to prove your eligibility for a practice license within the province.
  • Your offer must be valid, permanent, and full-time. For that, you must prepare a Job Approval Letter.

Occupation In-Demand

  • Living outside of Canada and not qualifying as a refugee. If you live in Canada, you need a legal visa.
  • A minimum score of 60/100 on the PNP assessment grid.
  • Your French or English score must be at least CLB4.
  • Your education level needs to be equal or higher that an apprenticeship or post-secondary education. It must be equivalent to the country’s education system, and the minimum duration is 1 year. It must have earned either a certificate, a diploma, or a degree.
  • You must meet an experience minimum within the last 10 years. Each profession or trade has its own requirements, but you can ask immigration consultants for the minimum experience.
  • If applicable for your new occupation, and the SINP asks for it, you must prove your professional membership or license.
  • Showing funds proof and a settlement plan in Saskatchewan.

Work Experience Application Requirements

Requirements here will vary depending on the category. These are the subcategories inside this stream:

Skilled worker with permit

  • Having a full-time permanent job offer from an employer in the province. It must fit the NOC levels of A, B, or 0. Designated trades also count.
  • Valid Job Approval Letter.
  • Over 6 months’ experience with the employer. Your full-time permanent job offer needs to be in the same position you currently have (past 6 months).
  • Work permit issued by the IRCC.
  • If your offer is for a NOC level C occupation, you need a CLB 4 score.
  • If your position is regulated and requires certification, you must have proof of your eligibility towards a Saskatchewan license.
  • You cannot be a refugee claimant.

Semi-skilled agriculture worker

  • 60/100 minimum score in the assessment grid.
  • Minimum language score: CLB 4. A higher score may be required as well.
  • Post-secondary education completed. Training or apprenticeship are also allowed as per the Canadian educational system standards. One year’s length minimum.
  • All non-Canadian education requires an ECA (Educational Credential Assessment).
  • Vocational training and trades don’t require an ECA. Saskatchewan license is required.
  • Experienced in occupations outside the Excluded Occupation list and high skilled. The minimum work experience required is one year in the past 10 for skilled professionals, 2 years in the past 5 for skilled tradespeople, and a year’s experience in Canada within the past 3 for both.
  • Your work experience has to be in the field pertaining to your education. It must be directly related to it, and it may require SINP education requirements depending on your occupation.
  • Some occupations require proof of your professional status or eligibility proof for licensure.
  • Proof of your settlement funds and plan.
Saskatchewan PNP

Health professional

  • Full-time work for 6 months minimum with a temporary permit as nurse, physician, or related roles.
  • Meeting the SINP nomination criteria.

Hospitality sector

  • Valid work permit from the IRCC for either a food and beverage server, kitchen or food counter attendant helper, or cleaning staff.
  • Minimum of grade 12 education or an equivalent.
  • Working for an employer approved by the SINP for participation in the Hospitality Sector Project. Employees who started to work with these employers before the approval won’t be accepted.
  • Working for the employer in Saskatchewan for at 6 months minimum.
  • Full-time permanent job offer.
  • Minimum CLB 4 score for speaking, listening, writing, and reading.
  • Valid Job Approval Letter.

Trucking (long-haul)

  • Working for an approved trucking firm for 6 months minimum with a temporary permit. This permit must come from the IRCC.
  • Driver’s license: Class 1A from Saskatchewan. You can apply without it if you don’t currently work in the province, but you must get it as soon as you arrive.
  • Full-time permanent job offer in an approved firm.
  • CLB 4 score minimum in the four categories.
  • Valid Job Approval Letter.


  • Having a diploma, certificate, or degree from a post-secondary institution recognized in Saskatchewan.
  • Having 6 years’ minimum work experience with paid employment in the province. It can be on- and off-campus, co-op terms, verifiable graduate fellowships, or working experience with a post-graduate permit.
  • A valid work permit post-graduation from the IRCC.
  • Permanent, full-time and current job offer within your field. It must have a NOC level A, B or 0. It must also pertain to a designated trade or require post-secondary education inside your field of study.
  • Valid Job Approval Letter.
  • CLB 4 minimum score if your offer belongs to a NOC level C.

Entrepreneur Category Requirements

  • Submitting an Expression Of Interest. This requires:
  • Having at least $500,000 CAD between net business and own assets.
  • Three years’ minimum experience in business management within the past 10 years.
  • Intention to invest at least $300,000 CAD in Saskatoon and Regina. Alternatively, you may intent to invest at least $200,000 CAD in other communities.
  • If invited, you need to submit your BEP (Business Establishment Plan) corresponding with your EOI. This plan must include:
  • Plans for establishing an eligible business aligned with the points given to you in the grid (if applicable).
  • Ownership of 1/3 minimum equity of a Saskatchewan business. If your total investment surpasses $1,000,000 CAD, you can skip this.
  • Commitment for providing continuous participation regarding the daily management of the venture.
  • Creating 2 employment chances for either Canadians or residents not related to you. This condition is only for Saskatoon and Regina.

Farm Owner and Operator Category Requirements

Farming: SINP

  • Financial proof showing a $500,000 CAD net worth.
  • Signing a Performance Agreement. You commit to buying and operating a Saskatchewan farm operation.
  • A $75,000 CAD deposit. This money will return to you after meeting the terms inside the Performance Agreement.
  • Visiting the province for at least 5 days. You must conduct an exploratory visit, and you’ll meet with a SINP representative.
  • Documented proof of your experience operating farms.

Farming: Young Farmer

  • $300,000 CAD minimum accumulated via legal means and documented proof of this.
  • Not being older than 40 years by the time you’re applying.
  • Your farm management/ownership experience must be of at least 3 years. Practical farming experience also counts.
  • Documented proposal to run a commercial farm in the province. This proposal must have research and consultations as its foundation.
  • Both you and your spouse must possess employable skills to supplement the income you receive from farming.

Why Consider the SINP?

The SINP offers some of the most competitive processing times among the other PNPs, and they provide you with immigration officers in the province that can explain to you all of the requirements and steps.

Saskatchewan also has one of the most flexible PNPs in Canada, and that’s why its processing times are outstanding.

SINP Application: Frequently Asked Questions 

How To Apply For The SINP?

Your process will vary depending on the category you apply for, but there are general steps that pertain to all categories.

You need to create an account on the website and complete the sections accordingly. You must scan and submit all the completed forms and required documentation in a PDF format and attach them to your application.

Once it’s done, you must save it and submit the complete application.

After you send the final draft, it’ll be reviewed. If it’s deemed incomplete, you’ll receive a letter explaining why and an invitation to try again. If it’s good, then you may be required to send additional documents.

As stated already, once that’s finished, you’re given a legal permit that must be approved by the IRCC. Once all the previous steps are done, you can start working or setting up your business depending on the category you applied under.

How Does The Assessment Grid Rate You?

Most categories require a minimum score of 60/100 on the SINP assessment grid. The factors it takes into consideration starting from your education or training. Similarly, your experience related to your future position is a separate criterion.

You also score depending on your proficiency with the language and tied to that, your connections and your ability to adapt to the labour market in Saskatchewan are important.

Lastly, your age is a relevant rubric as well.

Who Cannot Apply For The SINP?

You cannot apply if you’re claiming refugee status from the Canadian government. People living in the country illegally are also forbidden from the application. The same goes if you have either a removal order from the IRCC or the Border Services Agency or are generally prohibited from going into the country.

There are other conditions that may affect your eligibility.

Regarding your family, you shouldn’t have any dependent member (or yourself) who doesn’t meet the requirements by the IRCC in terms of criminality and health. You must also have zero disputes on child support or custody with repercussions towards your family.

You may also not be eligible if either you or your representative misrepresented your abilities in the application (intentionally) or you weren’t able to prove your intention of working and living permanently in Saskatchewan.

Regarding the farming categories, you can translate your documents with anyone except family members (including your spouse) or any third party that you’ve paid and who’s prepared your SINP application.

Tips & Recommendations

Maybe after going through the details of the SINP you will realize that Saskatchewan and you are a perfect match.

Then, it is advisable to do deep research beforehand. Also, it is important to stay updated when it concerns PNPs, that is why sometimes professional consultations are essential.

To make sure you have all the documents in check, you might use the help of an RCIC. This way, the process will be quicker and smoother.

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The child of immigrant parents, I came to Canada when I was just five years old. I used to volunteer at an immigration resource centre and now work for the Canadian Federal Government. Writing is my passion and I hope my words can provide some help to a new immigrant or someone considering a move to Canada.

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Become a Canadian is a private immigration consultancy that specializes in helping people around the globe to immigrate to Canada. The website is owned and operated by Immigration Solutions, S.L., which is an international private company with offices in Madrid, Spain and Ontario, Canada.

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You can trust the integrity of our balanced, independent immigration advice. We may, however, receive compensation from the issuers of some products mentioned in this article. Opinions are the author's alone. This content has not been provided by, reviewed, approved or endorsed by any advertiser, unless otherwise noted below.

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